- Bài viết
- 698
- Điểm tương tác
- 418
- Điểm
- 63
Thông số:
Network name: Linea
Network URL: Chain ID: 59140
Currency symbol: ETH
Block explorer URL:
Linea Testnet Ethereum Explorer
BlockScout provides analytics data, API, and Smart Contract tools for the Linea Testnet

1. https://www.infura.io/faucet/linea?s=09
2. https://faucet.trade/?type=linea_eth&s=09
3. https://linea.faucetme.pro/?s=09
4. https://www.covalenthq.com/faucet/?s=09#signup
5. https://www.faucet.echodex.io/?s=09
6. https://faucet.goerli.linea.build/?s=09
7. https://discord.gg/stakeme